Advanced Loyalty for Retail

Forge Authentic Relationships,
Minimize Customer Churn

Healthy customer communities can’t be achieved through simple points programs, repetitive offers, and thin social media campaigns. Next-generation customer loyalty solutions call for meaningful, cross-channel engagement and sincere, ongoing interactions.

The World of PUG

Retail Industry Challenges

Know your customers on a personal level

Customers come in all shapes and sizes and building meaningful relationships require engagement pathways that make each one feel special and appreciated.

Track activities across all touchpoints

It's important to interact with customers both in person and online at every step of their experience with your brand, so that you can gain valuable information and really understand them.

The right engagement for the right moment

Paying attention to what customers do within a variety of contexts is essential for building strong, healthy brand-customer relationships.

Loyalty can’t be bought, it has to be earned. Let us show you customer loyalty solutions that really work.

Key Features for Retail

Enterprise Integration

with CRM’s, data warehouses, POS, content management systems, rewards programs, and authentication systems.

Segmented campaigns

and personalized adaptive quests create intrigue and drive community participation.

Recognition, leveling and reward

systems keep communities highly motivated, retained, and loyal.

Dynamic personal profiles

highlight the customer history keeping their sentiment and engagement high.

Engagement loops

based on gameplay models provide dramatics boosts to interactivity and interest.

Aggregated community insights​

paint a clear picture of how your customers are segmented, providing valuable opportunities for resource optimization and targeting

See the future of online loyalty

Miles beyond traditional loyalty

Full integration with CRM and the entire marketing technology stack to drive playful engagement and loyalty.

Trusted By The World's Best Partners and Brands

Ready to start building stronger customer loyalty and relationships?

Over 15+ Years in the Making